Sexual Anorexia Treatment

1 August 2014
Sexual Anorexia

Sexual Anorexia

Classification of Women’s Sexual Dysfunctions (according to DSM-IV diagnosis criteria)

  • 1) Sexual Desire Disorders
       1a) Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorders
       1b) Sexual Repulsion
  • 2) Sexual Arousal Disorder
  • 3) Orgasm Disorders
  • 4) Sexual Pain Disorders

4a) Dyspareunia (pain in intercourse)
4b) Vaginismus

Sexual desire is the urge in men and women to have intercourse his/her sexual partner. Sexual desire is an important matter in terms of sexual health. Sexually explicit dreaming, fantasising. Interest in erotic materials often accompanies the urge to have intercourse a the partner. Sexual desire can also be aroused as a result of auditory, visual, olfactory, tactile, gustative perception. Sexual desire and urge can be found in any human being who is physical healthy and free of any hormonal disorder. Sexual Anorexia is a pathological loss of “appetite” for romantic/sexual interaction, often the result of a fear of intimacy to the point that the person has severe anxiety surrounding sexual activity and emotional aspects. Sexual anorexia could be defined as lack or non-existence long-term sexual fantasies and urge for sexual activity. Sexual anorexia classified into two in according to its occurrence: Primary Sexual Anorexia: Sexual anorexia condition beginning from puberty. Historically, women who were suffering from Sexual Anorexia were called frigid. Sexual Anorexia can be defined as the lack or non-existence of sexual fantasies and the urge for sexual activity. Sexual Anorexia can be divided into two

Sometimes the lack of sexual desire can be seen “periodically” due to reasons such as busy business life, stress and etc.

What is the occurrence frequency of sexual anorexia problem?

Sexual anorexia is the most common complaints of women about sexuality. Sexual unwillingness is a sexual dysfunction seen in 20 percent of the society. It is estimated that approximately 33 per cent of women will suffer from Sexual Anorexia at some point in their life. Sexual anorexia rates increases depending on the age; since 32 percent of 18-24 age group effects from sexual anorexia, this rate is 29.5% in 30-34 age group and 37.6% in 35-39 age group.

Reasons of Sexual Anorexia

As sexual anorexia is seen as a psychological condition, it is frequently affected by psychical condition such as hormonal instability or treatment. Desire depends on various factors. These are biological instinct, sufficient self-confidence (self esteem), previously having positive sexual experience, suitable sex partner, good relationship with partner besides sexuality. Any problem in one of these areas could be resulted in decrease in sexual arousal. Frigidity could emerge from both psychical and psychological problems.
Psychical and psychological factors can effect sexual anorexia. One percent of sexual anorexia is psychical and 99 percent is psychological.

Physical Factors of Sexual Anorexia

  • – Aging and menopause
  • – Various medicine (birth control pills, antidepressants, drugs containing cortisone, etc)
  • – The important point seem as a paradox is: Since depression is one of the main reasons of sexual anorexia, almost all of the medicine (antidepressants) used in depression treatment increases the sexual unwillingness. But considering profit/loss rates using these medicines could be crucial.
  • – Alcoholism
  • – Kidney, liver and heart insufficiency
  • – Thyroid diseases (hypothyroid)
  • – Chronic diseases (Diabetes and hypertension)
  • – Neurological problems (Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson, etc.)
  • – Surgically removal of uterus (Hysterectomy operations)
  • – Hormonal instability
  • – Pain in intercourse (dyspareunia)

Painful intercourse (dyspareunia) can cause sexual anorexia in women depending on inflammation in genital organs, tilted uterus (retroversion of uterus), endometriosis. In the same manner, vaginal dryness related to insufficiency of oestrogen seen in menopause and urogenital atrophy can also cause sexual anorexia.

Psychological Factors of Sexual Anorexia

  • – Extreme stress
  • – Issues between partners (Communication problems)
  • – Marriage problems (especially hidden anger, resentment, lack of trust etc)
  • – Concerns relating to body image.
  • – Anxiety (worries)
  • – Latent homosexuality
  • – Previously experinced harassment, rape, incest and sexual abuse (Sexual traumas)
  • – Depression

* Sometimes a woman’s desire cannot be stimulated due to her own and her partner’s lack of experience and knowledge.Also, sexual trauma (rape and harassment), important life events (death of family member, birth of a child, house moving) and some unpleasantly experienced intercourse can be the psychological reasons.In some cases, women having sexual intercourse can be perceived as a crime or sin, in this regard having sexual desire can cause feeling of guilt.

As sexual anorexia problem can be seen since the girlhood, it can emerge in a woman who has a normal sexual function.

Occasionally, sexual anorexia can be the sign in relationship breakdown. Angry, frightened or confused persons do not desire for a sexual intimacy. Long term of avoiding sexuality can also suppress sexual urge.
Foods increasing sexual desire (Aphrodisiac herbs)
Some nutrition have an increasing “aphrodisiac” effect on sexual desire in both men and women. These nutrition and aphrodisiac herb can mostly be used to support sexual therapy rather than treatment.

Aphrodisiac nutrition comprises of marine products (fish, calamary, shrimp, crab), fresh fruits and vegetables, spices (cinnamon, harnup, ginger), dried fruits (hazelnut, walnut, peanut) and special teas (ginseng root).



Posted in Gynecology by Team Cyprus IVF | Tags: Sexual Anorexia, Sexual Anorexia Treatment, Sexual Desire
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